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Don't you agree with me?" He showed a row of shining white teeth. Cowperwood smiled urbanely. "Will a forty-thousand-dollar lens be a better lens than any other lens?" he inquired. "Made by Appleman Brothers, of Dorchester, it will," replied the college president. "The whole story is here, Mr. Cowperwood. These men are practical lens-makers.

Turn to the trades, and see if there are any lens-makers down." "Yes, sir, several," said Tom, after a short search. "Read 'em down, boy." Tom obeyed alphabetically till he came to D, and he had got as far as Dallmeyer when his visitor stopped him. "That will do," he said. "That's the man I want. Address?" Tom read this out, and the visitor said "Good; but write it down so that I don't forget.

Of course the full force of this idea could only be appreciated in the light of later knowledge; but even at the time of its coming it sufficed to give a great impetus to that new medical knowledge, based on microscopical studies, which had but recently been made accessible by the inventions of the lens-makers.

"So I began to study the laws of optics and lenses. In 1913 I went abroad, and with one of the most famous lens-makers of Europe I produced a lens of an entirely different quality, a lens that I hoped would give me what I wanted. So I returned here and fitted up my microscope that I knew would prove vastly more powerful than any yet constructed.