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Updated: August 9, 2024

A., on the prehensile use of the tarsi in male moths; on the rearing of the Ailanthus silkmoth; on breeding Lepidoptera; proportion of sexes of Bombyx cynthia, B. yamamai, and B. Pernyi reared by; on the development of Bombyx cynthia and B. yamamai; on the pairing of Bombyx cynthia.

After the silk is woven, it is polished on lustering machines, singed to destroy all bits of free fibers or lint, freed of all threads that may project, and scoured if it is of a light color; then sold. The moth whose cocoon provides most of our silk is called the "bombyx mori." There are others, however, and from some of these tussah silk, Yamamai, and Shantung pongee are woven.

He finds, after carefully attending to the development of the caterpillars of Bombyx cynthia and yamamai, and especially to that of some dwarfed caterpillars reared from a second brood on unnatural food, "that in proportion as the individual moth is finer, so is the time required for its metamorphosis longer; and for this reason the female, which is the larger and heavier insect, from having to carry her numerous eggs, will be preceded by the male, which is smaller and has less to mature."

Bombus, difference of the sexes in. Bombycidae, coloration of; pairing of the; colours of. Bombycilla carolinensis, red appendages of. Bombyx cynthia, proportion of the sexes in; pairing of. Bombyx mori, difference of size of the male and female cocoons of; pairing of. Bombyx Pernyi, proportion of sexes of. Bombyx Yamamai, M. Personnat on; proportion of sexes of.

This latter circumstance is well known to occur with most Lepidoptera, as well as with other insects. So that, as M. Personnat remarks, the males of the domesticated Bombyx Yamamai, are useless at the beginning of the season, and the females at the end, from the want of mates. Quoted by Dr. Mr.

Wallace of Colchester reared from one brood of Bombyx cynthia 52 48 Dr. Wallace raised, from cocoons of Bombyx Pernyi sent from China, during 1869 224 123 Dr. Wallace raised, during 1868 and 1869, from two lots of cocoons of Bombyx yamamai 52 46 Total 934 761 With reference to the other Orders of insects, I have been able to collect very little reliable information.

Pernis cristata. Perrier, M., on sexual selection; on bees. Perseverance, a characteristic of man. Persians, said to be improved by intermixture with Georgians and Circassians. Personnat, M., on Bombyx Yamamai. Peruvians, civilisation of the, not foreign. Petrels, colours of. Petrocincla cyanea, young of. Petrocossyphus. Petronia. Pfeiffer, Ida, on Javan ideas of beauty.

From it the Oriental Tussah silk is made; then there is Eria silk, also an uncultivated product from India; the Fagara silk from China; and the Yamamai silk from Japan, which is next to domestic silk in value. All these are manufactured from silk spun by silkworms that have had no care. The foreman was telling me about it the other day." There was a pause.

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