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Dooley, "that Lord Char-les Beresford is in our mist, as Hogan says." "An' who th' divvle's he?" asked Mr. Hennessy. "He's a Watherford man," said Mr. Dooley. "I knowed his father well, a markess be thrade, an' a fine man. Char-les wint to sea early; but he's now in th' plastherin' business, cemintin' th' 'liance iv th' United States an' England. I'll thank ye to laugh at me joke, Mr.

"Who towld you that, my Watherford Wondher?" rejoined Barny; "what the dickens do you know about sayfarin' farther nor fishin' for sprats in a bowl wid your grandmother?" "O, baithershin," says the stranger. "And who made you so bowld with my name?" demanded O'Reirdon.

"Why, thin, indeed," said Barny, "it would be hard for me to tell; but wherever you want to go, I'm the man that'll do the job for you complate. Where is your honor goin'?" "I won't tell you that, but do you tell me what ports you know best?" "Why, there's Watherford, and there's Youghal, an' Fingal." "Fingal, where's that?" "So you don't know where Fingal is.

We come by say from Watherford to Milford, and thin, yer honour, we come on foot all trough Pembrokeshire, and County Carmarthin, and now she's jist kilt. 'But what is she going to do? Why do you come away from Ireland at all? 'Och, my leddy, shure we're starvin' there. And we jist come to luk for the work in the harvest, an' we're goin' to Herefordshire to git it.

I'd been niglictful iv me jooty to th' cause iv late, an' I was surprised an' shocked to hear how poor ol' Ireland was sufferin'. Th' rayport fr'm th' Twinty-third Wa-ard, which is in th' County Mayo, showed that th' sthreet clanin' conthract had been give to a Swede be th' name iv Oleson; an' over in th' Nineteenth Wa-ard th' County Watherford is all stirred up because Johnny Powers is filled th' pipe-ya-ard with his own rilitives.