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Our appetites were damped, never satisfied; and we had no vegetables. Caro equina. Horseflesh. Mr. Pearce's chapter on food at the school in his excellent Annals of Christ's Hospital is very interesting, and records great changes. Rotten-roasted or rare, i.e., over-roasted or under-done. The good old relative. Aunt Hetty, or more properly, Sarah Lamb.

A shoulder, from an hour and a half, to two hours. A loin, from an hour and three quarters, to two hours. Always have some currant jelly on the table to eat with roast mutton. It should also be accompanied by mashed turnips. Slices cut from a cold leg of mutton that has been under-done, are very nice broiled or warmed on a gridiron, and sent to the breakfast table covered with currant jelly.

Soup should always be made entirely of fresh meat that has not been previously cooked. An exception to this rule may sometimes be made in favour of the remains of a piece of roast beef that has been very much under-done in roasting. This may be added to a good piece of raw meat. Cold ham, also, may be occasionally put into white soups.

A neck or a loin of mutton will require also about three hours slow boiling. These pieces should on no account be sent to table the least under-done. Serve up with them carrots and whole turnips. You may add a dish of suet dumplings to eat with the meat, made of finely chopped suet mixed with double its quantity of flour, and a little cold water.