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Updated: August 13, 2024

Even fires of fowle rebellion, I must tell ye; The bellowes to it, Religion. You were lov'd yet But for your ends, through all the Townes, the Garrisons, To fright the union of the State, to shake it. What syns are theis? You may smile with much comfort, And they that see ye and not looke closely to ye May crye too er't be long. Bar. Your Grace has leave, Sir, And tis right good it be soe.

On healthy large examples these spines are 2 in. long, and nearly ¼ in. wide at the base. Flowers and fruit not known. This little plant requires to be cultivated in a warm greenhouse or stove, but it grows very slowly. It is certainly a most interesting Cactus; examples of it may be seen at Kew, where there is a plant which, although over ten years old, is only 4 in. high. Syns.

Examine all men Branded with such fowle syns as you now dye for, And you shall find their first stepp still Religion. Gowrie in Scotland, 'twas his maine pretention: Was not he honest, too? his Cuntries father?

You taint me, Sir, with syns concerne my manners, If I have such Ile studdy to correct 'em; But, should I taint you, I should charge ye deeper: The cure of those would make ye shrinck and shake, too, Shake of your head. Bar. You are too weak ith' hams, Sir. Or. Who raisd these new religious forces, Sir, And by what warrant? what assignement had ye From the States generall? who blew new fires?

It appears from a deed, dated in the sixteenth year of Henry VIII., that the hospital was chiefly maintained, not by endowments, but by the gifts of the charitable who were willing to contribute to its support; and to encourage the benevolent to give, the deed recites that "Pope Innocent IV, in the year 1245, by an indulgans or bulle did assoyl them of all syns forgotten, and offences done against fader and moder, and all swerynges neglygently made.

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