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"Oh, m'sieu', if you please, no," she answered half timidly, flattered by the glance of his eye a look of flattery which was part of his stock-in- trade. It had got him into trouble all his life. "Ah, madame, but I plead yes!" he answered, with a little encouraging nod towards her. "Come, let me pour it for you." He took the odd little bottle and poured her glass as full as his own.

We began in a small way as a nation, without much stock-in- trade, and we kept our accounts by rule of thumb. But it seems to me we are doing a pretty large business as a nation just now." There was a laugh, and sundry remarks to the effect that the audience understood what John was driving at.

He seemed tickled with him as an elderly fellow about town might be tickled by a pleasant and witty lad; he indicated that he was no precision, but in his wildest times had never been such a blade as he thought Dick. Dick protested, but in vain. This manner of carrying an intimacy at the bayonet's point was Van Tromp's stock-in- trade.

It is often said that tradition has died out in the Highlands; it is living yet. After three days of north wind and failure, it occurred to me that my boatman might know the local folklore the fairy tales and traditions. As a rule, tradition is a purely professional part of a guide's stock-in- trade, but the angler who had my barque in his charge proved to be a fresh fountain of legend.

Friend, friend! your stock-in- trade would seem to be not words of wisdom, but a cloak and a beard. If you would do your duty, therefore, be always well in evidence; begin your unfailing attendance from the early hours of the morning, and never quit his side.