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A Slavonic king, Daxo, offers Ragnar's son Whitesark his daughter and half his realm, or death, and the captive strangely desires death by fire. A captive king is exposed, chained to wild beasts, thrown into a serpent-pit, wherein Ragnar is given the fate of the elder Gunnar in the Eddic Lays, Atlakvida.

At this time the brother in the serpent-pit dreamed that his right sister had come swimming to the king's palace in the shape of a duck, and that she could not regain her own form until her beak was cut off. He got this dream told to some one, so that the king at last came to hear of it, and had him taken up out of the pit and brought before him.

After this it slipped out, and no one could get hold of it. But the king's cook thought to himself, 'I shall see if I can't get hold of you to-morrow evening. On the third evening the duck again came waddling in by the drain, and up to the dog on the hearth-stone. 'Good evening, it said. 'Thanks, Maiden Bright-eye, said the dog. 'Where is my brother? 'He is in the serpent-pit.

'Thanks, Maiden Bright-eye, said the dog. 'Where is my brother? 'He is in the serpent-pit. 'Where is my wicked sister? 'She is with the noble king. 'Alas! alas! I am here this evening, and shall be for two evenings yet, and then I shall never come again. When it had said this the duck waddled off again.

It came waddling in by the drain, and went up to the dog, which was lying on the hearth-stone. 'Good evening, it said. 'Thanks, Maiden Bright-eye, said the dog. 'Where is my brother? 'He is in the serpent-pit. 'Where is my wicked sister? 'She is with the noble king. 'Alas! alas! I am here this evening, and shall be for one evening yet, and then I shall never come again.