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In the meantime, I will have your ship brought aboard our cruiser release your controls to our operators." Medart did so, nodded. "You have control." The Sandeman disappeared, his place taken by a view of space. A ship-image was growing, and Medart's sensors told him it was a big one not quite as large as an IBC, but close.

Systems addressing this more time-sensitive set of tasks would include light, quickly deployable satellites, high altitude and endurance unmanned aerial vehicles, manned platforms, and unattended ground sensors. As a crisis unfolds and the insertion of U.S. troops or other military action becomes more probable, information needs and the number of information consumers both increase dramatically.

Particularly in the area of uncooled sensors, commercial developments are underway that promise to drastically reduce the cost of competent IR sensors. Hyperspectral imaging allows target searches to be conducted in the frequency domain, as opposed to the spatial domain as is the norm today. Unattended ground sensors allow critical areas to be monitored continually.

Wait a minute," he added, "if you ask for thrust on the ship, she'll say there isn't any because Hot Rod would be pulling us, not pushing. And if you ask her for the thrust on Hot Rod, she hasn't got any sensors out there. "Hm-m-m. Ask her if we have added any off-orbit velocity; and if so how much." The computer displayed the answer almost as soon as she received the question.

No trace of active weaponry, no civil disturbances our sensors can detect, no fires involving artificial substances no nothing." Thompson grinned. "Sounds good to me, Inga. What about news reports, entertainment broadcasts, that sort of thing?" Sanchez grinned back. "Just as normal, except for a couple of oddities.

First, selected robotic systems will enable the force by making it more responsive in concentrating sensors and weapons. Second, they will make fighting a 24-hour battle feasible even with reduced manpower within the force structure. Third, robotic systems can provide force presence even in areas considered too dangerous for a large manned element.

Imbedded sensors: Monitoring the position and status of Blue and friendly forces and assets is of equal importance in tracking the enemy. GPS presented a tremendous advantage to troops in ODS. This capability needs to be extended down to the individual soldier, and the status of all critical material and personnel needs to be tracked.

The ability to emit energy, yet in ways that are less discernible, should be an attractive avenue to explore for the future. The coordinated application of many sensor platforms, some of which may be completely passive, in conjunction with emitting sensors is a potentially major area of exploration.

Several technologies that can help in this are discussed below, as divided into the following subsections: sensors, computational systems, communications and system integration. Sensor Technologies Sensor technologies are grouped into four areas: active, passive, imbedded, and processing. Active sensors: By far, the most important of the energy-emitting sensors is radar.

Particularly with stealthy systems, this will present a unique challenge to military systems where one may not expect a great amount of "spin-on" from the commercial sector. It is vitally important to be able to sense the enemy under all conditions and environments. Sensors must penetrate foliage and walls and detect threats such as underground and underwater mines.