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As it oft happeneth that, for all the townsfolk have nought in the world to do at the courts of law, yet bytimes they go thither, it befell that Maso del Saggio went thither one morning, in quest of a friend of his, and chancing to cast his eyes whereas this said Messer Niccola sat, himseemed that here was a rare outlandish kind of wild fowl.

[Footnote 95: Baini observes, that the chant of this hymn is one of the few instances of rhythmical chant preserved by uninterrupted tradition in the papal chapel and adorned with the ancient ornaments. (See his Saggio sopra l'indentit

The manuscript of many of Animuccia's compositions is still preserved in the Vatican Library. From the latter Padre Martini has taken two specimens for his Saggio di Contrapunto. A mass from the Primo Libra di Messe on the canto fermo of the hymn Conditor alme siderum is published in modern notation in the Anthologie des maîtres religieux primitifs of the Chanteurs de Saint Gervais.

Emilia waved her hand out of the little window; chords of music sounded from the street; the voices of men and ladies rose upon a madrigal "Fior' di Maggio Soave, pio e saggio Salve, Ippolita!" the work of Alessandro's muse upon that night of discord from the Jew. So she went downstairs.

But of this Maso del Saggio will confirm me, whom I found there a great merchant, cracking walnuts and selling the shells by retail. Being unable to find that which I went seeking, for that thence one goeth thither by water, I turned back and arrived in those holy countries, where, in summer-years, cold bread is worth four farthings a loaf and the hot goeth for nothing.

There was then also in Florence a young man of a mighty pleasant humor and marvellously adroit in all he had a mind to do, astute and plausible, who was called Maso del Saggio, and who, hearing certain traits of Calandrino's simplicity, determined to amuse himself at his expense by putting off some cheat on him or causing him believe some strange thing.