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Afterward more nor an hour, she cum out ain being carred in his harmes. And if your ladishipp dont believ me, let your ladishipp rite to miss elizbeth, as had this same misfortune to see as your tru frend, "The Riter." In due course this charming communication reached Lady Honoria, bearing a London post-mark. She read and re-read it, and soon mastered its meaning. The answer came by return.

"Now sur, i must cloas, not becaws my papers dun, no nor yet my idees, but becaws a nods as good as a wink yoo no the rest. Wot ive said is troo as gospl it's of no use tryn to find owt hoo i am, caws whi yoo kant, and if yoo cood it wood doo yoo no good. "Yoors to comand, "The riter."

Dorgan goes up an' shakes his fist at him, an' th' la-ad gives him a jab with his bayonet that makes th' poor ol' man roar like a bull. 'In th' name iv th' people iv th' State iv Illinys, he says, 'disperse, he says, 'ye riter, he says; 'an', if ye don't go home, he says, 'ye ol' omadhon, he says, 'I'll have ye thrun into jail, he says. "Dorgan haven't got over it yet.

Fr egzarmpl, a riter ov th time, naimed Max Beerbohm, hoo woz stil alive in th twentith senchri, rote a stauri in wich e pautraid an immajnari karrakter kauld "Enoch Soames" a thurd-rait poit hoo beleevz imself a grate jeneus an maix a bargin with th Devvl in auder ter no wot posterriti thinx ov im!

The toun is very sadd; everry body, high and low, rich and pore, in morning for Gennerel Wolf: wot a nobel deth to die, and how much happier than to live, when one considers the cairs and miseries of this life; and sech has bin the oppinion of wiser fokes than y'r humble servent. Being in companie on Thersday sennite with that distingwish'd riter, Dr.