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DON EDUARDO. ¡Oh! ¡Qué fortuna! BRUNO. ¡Fortuna! DON EDUARDO. La de no morirme aquí de repente al oír semejante desengaño. DON EDUARDO. ¿Y D. Pedro, por supuesto se serviría de palabras agrias y malsonantes? BRUNO. Oh no señor; el amo es incapaz de.... DON EDUARDO. Pero al menos se expresaría ... así ... con cierta sequedad ... ¿eh?

The admiration of a beautiful woman, though the wife of our dearest friend, may at first perhaps be innocent, but let us not flatter ourselves it will always remain so; desire is sure to succeed; and wishes, hopes, designs, with a long train of mischiefs, tread close at our heels. In affairs of this kind we may most properly apply the well-known remark of nemo repente fuit turpissimus.

It is thus in the Life of a Man of Sense, a short Life is sufficient to manifest himself a Man of Honour and Virtue; when he ceases to be such he has lived too long, and while he is such, it is of no Consequence to him how long he shall be so, provided he is so to his Life's End. No. 154. Monday, August 27, 1711. Steele. 'Nemo repente fuit turpissimus ... Juv. Mr.

To change a habit at fifty-five or forty-five or thirty-five; to ordain that rivers shall flow uphill; to divert the relentless sequence of cause and effect how often dare we say this happens? Nemo repente no man ever suddenly became good.