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Updated: August 4, 2024

"An it please your worship, as I cam through the thick shrubbery I spied a lassie, standing under the balcony on the east side o' the castle wa'." "At what hour was this?" "I dinna ken preceesely. It may hae been ten o'clock; for I ken the moon was about twa hours high." "Ay, well; go on."

Sir, I was six years first private gentleman of the company, and three years lance speisade; disdaining to receive a halberd, as unbecoming my birth. "And yet, if I understand you, Captain Dalgetty, I think that rank corresponds with your foreign title of ritt-master " "The same grade preceesely," answered Dalgetty; "ritt-master signifying literally file-leader."

For whom do you, or your absurd authors or informers, take this lady?" "I can sae naething preceesely as to that," answered Moniplies; "certain it is her body died and was laid in the grave many a day since, notwithstanding she still wanders on earth, and chiefly amongst Maister Heriot's family, though she hath been seen in other places by them that well knew her.

He lifted the thing from off the minister, who rose not much hurt, but both amazed and offended at the mishap, and went to his mother in the kitchen. "Dinna say muckle to yer mither, Jeames laad," said his father as he went; "that is, dinna explain preceesely hoo the ill-faured thing happent.

But he seasoned this dismission with a kind and hospitable invitation "to come back and take part o' his family-chack at ane preceesely there wad be a leg o' mutton, and, it might be, a tup's head, for they were in season;" but above all, I was to return at "ane o'clock preceesely it was the hour he and the deacon his father aye dined at they pat it off for naething nor for naebody."

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