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Later, with myrrh and olibanum, the mystic odors, austere and powerful, the pompous gesture of the great period, the redundant artifices of oratorial art, the full, sustained harmonious style of Bossuet and the masters of the pulpit were almost possible.

One pound of gum kino, eight ounces of gum elemi, three pounds of gum olibanum, three pounds of gum copal, two pounds of gum juniper, one pound of gum ladanum, one pound of gum mastic, ten pounds of shell lac, and eight ounces of frankincense.

Doomree Vegetation of table-land Lieutenant Beadle Birds Hot springs of Soorujkoond Plants near them Shells in them Cholera-tree Olibanum Palms, form of Dunwah Pass Trees, native and planted Wild peacock Poppy fields Geography and geology of Behar and Central India Toddy-palm Ground, temperature of Barroon Temperature of plants Lizard Cross the Soane Sand, ripple marks on Kymore hills Ground, temperature of Limestone Rotas fort and palace Nitrate of lime Change of climate Lime stalagmites, enclosing leaves Fall of Soane Spiders, etc.

Wherever the alluvium is deep on these hills, neither Catechu, Olibanum, Butea, Terminalia, Diospyros, dwarf-palm, or any of those plants are to be met with, which abound wherever the rock is superficial, and irrespectively of its mineral characters. The gum-arabic Acacia is abundant here, though not seen below, and very rare to the eastward of this meridian, for I saw but little of it in Behar.