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Lindley, large clusters of reddish-lilac flowers; Charles X., purplish-lilac flowers, but white when forced; Souvenir De Ludwig Spath, with massive clusters of richly coloured flowers; Glorie de Moulins, Marie Legrange, Noisetteana, Duchesse de Nemours, and Vallettiana, all beautiful flowering forms that are well worthy of cultivation, and that are of the simplest growth.

Power, indeed, had no coadjutor on whom he could at all rely. One of the monitors associated with him was Legrange, who rather followed Kenrick's lead, and the other was Brown, who, though well-intentioned, was a boy of no authority.

Howard clutched his glass with dramatic intensity. "Chateau Legrange, if I'm not mistaken, sir," he said; "but let it be what it may, it's simply perfect." "I'm glad. See here, now, it's understood between us that if there's anything you want, anything you'd like altered, you'll say so, eh, Stafford?" he said, with an affectionate anxiety.

"Legrange, Sire, chef d'escadron of the Second Voltigeurs," said the young man, trembling from head to foot while he uncovered his head, and stood, cap in hand, before him. "Since when, sir, have I called you into my counsels and asked your advice? or what is it in your position which entitles you to question one in mine? Duroc, come here. Your sword, sir!"

"Of course, I then and there indignantly resented this officiousness; but she reiterated her caution in my unwilling ears, and, finally, when I was about to leave her, took from her pocket a small slip of paper. "'Read that, Mr. Vaughn, she said. "I did so. It was a marriage notice of a Mr. Legrange to a Miss C. Elizabeth Graystone." "A distant relative," said Clemence.