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A staircase in the south-east room leads to the roof, from which a fine view of the city and surrounding country can be obtained. The principal buildings can be easily identified by help of the plan. THE PALACE. A door in the side of the quadrangle, opposite to the Daftar Khana, leads into Akbar's palace, the Mahal-i-Khas.

I had seen a steel engraving of him at the head of a double volume of Memoirs a month before, and I felt ancient beyond telling. The day shut in and the khansamah went to get me food. He did not go through the pretense of calling it "khana" man's victuals. He said "ratub," and that means, among other things, "grub" dog's rations. There was no insult in his choice of the term.

His master was like a lay-figure in his hands, but Chatar Sahib must needs take it upon himself to direct and correct operations in an unpleasant parade voice, causing many unnecessary starts and much perturbation of mind to a highly efficient servant who had most definite ideas on the subject of what his Sahib should wear to a burra khana.

Neither are the four minarets at the corners of the roof, which are said to have been broken by the Jâts, contrived with the usual skill of the Mogul architects. Above the gateway is the Nakkár Khana, an arcaded chamber with a balcony, where at dawn and one watch after sunrise the drums and pipes sounded in honour of the dead. The mausoleum was commenced by Akbar himself.

Saying "Very well, I go," her eyes streaming with tears, she presented herself before the Babu in the outer apartments. The Babu was alone in the boita khana he was usually alone now. Seeing Hira weeping, he asked, "Why do you weep, Hira?" "I have been told to come for my wages." Nagendra, astonished, asked: "What has happened?" "I am dismissed. "What have you done?" asked Nagendra.

The tallest of the company turned, his leg-irons clanking at the movement, and stared at the boy. "See!" he cried to his fellows in Pushto. "They send children against us. What a people, and what fools!" "Hya." said Jakin, nodding his head cheerily. "You go down- country. Khana get, peenikapanee get live like a bloomin' Raja ke marfik.