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"It is a burra khana to-night, Hazúr," the Havildar informed him with a chuckle; his slits of eyes vanishing as his teeth flashed out. "In a treeless country, the castor-oil is a big plant! And the cook, having three handfuls of flour to spare, hath made us three chupattis; one for your Honour, and one to be broken up among ourselves." "No, no, Havildar; fair play," Lenox answered, smiling.

The wazir loved her greatly, and was extremely fond of her; so much so, that he had erected an elegant apartment for her behind his own diwan khana; and had procured for her the daughters of noblemen as her companions, and handsome female servants waited on her; with these she passed her time in laughter and joy, and playing and romping about.

The tallest of the company turned, his leg-irons, clanking at the movement, and stared at the boy. "See!" he cried to his fellows in Pushto. "They send children against us. What a people, and what fools!" "Hya!" said Jakin, nodding his head cheerily. "You go down-country. Khana get, peenikapanee get live like a bloomin' Raja ke marfik. That's a better bandobust than baynit get it in your innards.

I had seen a steel engraving of him at the head of a double volume of Memoirs a month before, and I felt ancient beyond telling. The day shut in and the khansamah went to get me food. He did not go through the pretence of calling it "khana" man's victuals. He said "ratub," and that means, among other things, "grub" dog's rations. There was no insult in his choice of the term.

Above the parapet, in its centre, an enormous clay lion, with dependent mane, hung out its red tongue. This was Nagendra's boita khana. On both sides of the gate were the doorkeepers' lodges. The large hall of worship formed one side of the puja mahal; on the other three sides were two-storied houses. No one lived in this mahal.

Kamal Mani's tears fell on Surja Mukhi's unbound hair. Of what was Nagendra thinking at that time as he sat in the boita khana? His thoughts said: "Kunda Nandini! Kunda is mine; Kunda is my wife! Kunda! Kunda! she is mine!"

Turning severely to those responsible for the peace of the city, he demanded why such an outrage was permitted in the very presence of the Emperor. "It is always darkest directly under the shadow of the lamp," was the courtly reply. THE NAUBAT KHANA. Inside the gate the road passes, by the right, a large quadrangle surrounded by a ruined cloister, which was probably used for barracks.

"There's hearing and hearing," said Roy, aware of some cryptic message given and understood. "I take it they all know what he's driving at." "True talk. They know. But he has not said. Therefore he goes in safety when he should be picking oakum in the jail khana. They are cunning as serpents these holy ones." "They have the gift of tongues," said Roy.

He has a sound practical knowledge of all our viands, their substance, and the mode of their preparation, their qualities, relationships and harmonies, and the exact place they hold in our great cenatorial system. He knows all liquors also by name, with their places and times of appearing. And he is as great in action as in knowledge. When he takes the command of a burra khana he is a Wellington.

The evening assemblies in the 'Ibâdat Khâna' in Fathpur Sikrî at once gave the shrewd Jesuits who were schooled in dialectics, an opportunity to distinguish themselves before the Emperor who himself presided over this Religious Parliament in which Christians, Jews, Mohammedans, Brahmans, Buddhists and Parsees debated with each other.