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Strangely enough, the Kanowit women are, as a rule, darker than the men. They lost their sense of shyness after a time, and at length produced the inevitable siri and penang. At the close of the interview we begged their acceptance of a piece of Bristol bird's-eye each, which they at once put in their mouths and commenced chewing, and we then parted with mutual expressions of goodwill.

In Kuching they have a Chapel and School and a station among the Land-Dyaks in the vicinity. They have recently established a station and erected a Chapel on the Kanowit River, an affluent of the Rejang. The Missionaries are mostly foreigners and, I believe, are under a vow to spend the remainder of their days in the East, without returning to Europe.

Towards four o'clock in the afternoon, however, the scenery entirely changed, and books were discarded to look at the really beautiful country we were passing through, the narrowing of the stream to about 500 yards broad, and the swiftness of the stream indicating that we were approaching Kanowit.

The Rejang Residency Wild Tribes of the Interior Start for Rejang Timber Ships Sibu Attack by Katibus A Dinner Party The Fireship Kanowit "Jok" Kanowits' Dwellings Human Heads "Bones" and "Massa Johnson." Sarawak is divided into six districts or Residencies, each of which is under the supervision and control of a European Government officer.

Several Dyak habitations were now passed, which gave evidence of Kanowits being near, their inmates thronging to the water's edge for a look at the fire-ship, a rare and novel sight to them. At five o'clock we rounded the bend that hid it from our view, and came in sight of the little white fort and village of Kanowit, about a mile distant at the end of the reach we were entering.

Leave Kanowit Scenery War Canoes Arrive at Kapit Wild Tribes Kayan Burials Head Feast Lat His Family Tattooing The Sumpitan Kayan and Dyak War Dances The Kok-Goo The Bock Expedition to Central Borneo Cannibalism Return to Kuching.