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Brother Curtis entered the Maine Conference in 1845, and in that Conference and the East Maine he filled the following appointments: Bingham, Corinth, Onoro, Frankfort, Searsport, Brick Chapel, Bangor, Bangor District, and again Brick Chapel. He was transferred to the Wisconsin Conference in 1862, and was appointed to Janesville. His next appointment was Delavan, where he remained three years.

With the praying band at Rock River at one end of the Circuit, and Brother Humiston and his devoted laborers at the other, an almost continuous revival was but the normal condition. But in addition, I now found the circuit under the charge of Rev. I.S. Eldridge, one of my old co-laborers at Janesville.

He had been the Presiding Elder of the Janesville District, but, having obtained a divorce from his wife on the ground of desertion, instead of the one cause named in the New Testament, and married another, he had been suspended during the year. The trial resulted in his expulsion.

The Church accommodations were limited, but he made two good years at Asbury, and was able at their close to report considerable progress. After leaving the city, Brother Manwell served a good class of appointments, and among them Racine, Janesville, Whitewater and Ripon, until 1873, when he was transferred to Upper Iowa Conference.

The war, however, soon followed, and the "logic of events," disposed of the Slavery question. At this Conference I was elected a member of the General Mission Committee at New York, which rendered it necessary for me to visit the city annually for four years. The Conference of 1860 was held Sept. 26th, at Janesville, Bishop Scott presiding. At this session the Conference received Rev.

In 1842, Rev. C.G. Lathrop was appointed to Aztalan, of whom a further record will be made in a subsequent chapter. Both Aztalan and Janesville were now transferred from the Platteville District to the Rock River, a new District that had just been formed, with Rev. S.H. Stocking as Presiding Elder.

The members of the first class were Jesse Roberts, Betsey Roberts, Franklin Roberts, Sarah Roberts, Martha Fellows, Anson Stone, and Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. The first Church was built in 1850, and Fort Atkinson became a separate charge in 1854. It now ranks among the first charges in the Janesville District.