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"Oh, you can work harder than ever and win it in spite of this," comforted Gyp, who truly believed Jerry could do anything. "And I can't play on the hockey team in the inter-class match this week!" "Of course it's hard, Jerry." Gyp did not want to listen to much more her own conviction might weaken. "But nothing matters except the match with South High. That's why you're doing it!

There were committee meetings and inter-class conferences, and difficulties that required to be straightened out and sensitive feelings that needed careful handling. "We could get along so much faster, if every one was pleasant," sighed Rosemary to her brother.

Interest revived somewhat in 1873, but aside from inter-class games the only available opponents were mostly professional clubs from the neighboring towns, who were ordinarily outclassed by the college men. With the abolition of the old straight-arm pitching in 1875 and the calling of strikes established, the extravagant scores began to be materially reduced.

And it is when one comes to consider by what possible means these suspicious third-class passengers in our leaking and imperilled social liner can be brought into generous co-operation with the second and the first that one discovers just how lamentably out of date and out of order our political institutions, which should supply the means for just this inter-class discussion, have become.

Hardly less important among the Council's functions is the management of various undergraduate occasions, mass-meetings, campus elections, and inter-class athletics, demonstrations where trouble might brew without the guidance of wiser heads.

Of more fundamental importance has been the Council's regulation of the irrepressible freshmen-sophomore rivalry, which long took the course of medieval hair-cutting forays, sometimes, as in 1904, carried on even within the sacred precincts of the Library. The reform came through the establishment in 1908 of a series of inter-class contests.

Education, hygiene, and a decent inter-class courtesy are necessary features of any sound Americanization program, but they can be more effectively applied by calling them what they are and promoting them in normal ways than by branding them Americanization and cursing them with the blight of paternalistic uplift. But it is probably useless to quarrel with a long established national habit.