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He draweth back his spear without breaking it, and thinketh to smite him again. But the lion cheateth him, and arising himself on his two hinder feet, setteth his fore feet on his shoulders, then huggeth him toward him like as one man doth another. But the grip was sore grievous, for he rendeth his habergeon in twain and so teareth away as much flesh as he can claw hold on.

O, a very martyr that huggeth his chains and kisseth his wounds and joyeth in the recollection of his pain." "Have I not suffered, Fidelis?" "Thou hast known the jangling gloom of a dungeon 'twas at Garthlaxton Keep, methinks?" "Fetters!" cried Beltane, "a dungeon!

When he is here, he eateth and drinketh and kisseth and huggeth me, but doth naught else with me, and I am a pure virgin, even as Allah Almighty created me. My father's name is Taj al-Muluk, and he wotteth not what is come of me nor hath he hit upon any trace of me. This is my story: now tell me thy tale."

As a ship that putteth into the calmest cove: it now draweth up to the land, weary of long voyages and uncertain seas. Is not the land more faithful? As such a ship huggeth the shore, tuggeth the shore: then it sufficeth for a spider to spin its thread from the ship to the land. No stronger ropes are required there.

What a silence it is! Like a pall hangeth it over the Judean hills! Like a shroud falleth it over Olivet! Like grave wrappings huggeth it the valley! God! The silence of this night! Hath there been before such silence? It doth make of itself feet that tread upon my soul and, treading, leave wounds with living tongues which call in agony, 'I am waiting!