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Directly Simonides picked up the broken thread of his thought. "There is a work, a work for the King, which should be done in advance of his coming. We may not doubt that Israel is to be his right hand; but, alas! it is a hand of peace, without cunning in war. Of the millions, there is not one trained band, not a captain. The mercenaries of the Herods I do not count, for they are kept to crush us.

To overturn the Roman eagle, to destroy the works of art raised by the Herods, in which the Mosaic regulations were not always respected to rise up against the votive escutcheons put up by the procurators, the inscriptions of which appeared tainted with idolatry were perpetual temptations to fanatics, who had reached that degree of exaltation which removes all care for life.

"What nonsense! How could that wither me? It is only violet powder what they put on babies." "And who are the Herods that put it on babies?" "Their own mothers, that love them ten times more than the fathers do." "And kill a hundred of them for one a man ever kills. Mothers! the most wholesale homicides in the nation. We will examine your violet-powder: bring it down here."

When Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, the Jews were under the iron rule of the Roman Empire, of which they formed a part, for although the Jewish family of the Herods reigned over Judea, they only held their throne under the Roman Emperor. This the Jews could not endure. They longed to be a free and independent nation once again. 'When our Messiah comes He will be a great warrior, they said.