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As she was with calf, the lungs of the foetus were examined, disclosing a beautiful state of red hepatization. The author's attention was next called to the herd of Mr. Lippincott, a farmer in the neighborhood, who had lost several cattle by the disease; but as he had been persuaded that treatment was useless, he abandoned the idea of attempting to save his stock in that way.

The respiratory murmur increased in one or more of the sound parts of the lung, or in the sound lung if one is inflamed. 'Passage to a State of Gray Induration'. The absence of respiratory murmur indicates extensive hepatization of one lung; a circumstance, however, of rare occurrence.

The course of croupous pneumonia is typical, and unless it terminates fatally in the first stage, the periods of congestion, hepatization and resolution follow each other in regular manner. Auscultation of the lungs is of great value in diagnosing and watching the progress of the disease.

Gradual and progressive disappearance of the crepitating 'rale'. Slow return of the resonance. 'Red Hepatization'. Respiration irregular and interrupted. 'Auscultation and Percussion. Circumscribed absence of the respiratory murmur, in one point, or in many distinct parts of the lung.

It is more difficult to determine the character of the lung sounds in the horse and cow than it is in the small animals. This is especially difficult if the animal is fat. During the period of congestion which lasts about a day, one can hear both healthy and crepitating sounds. The period of hepatization is characterized by an absence of sound over the diseased area.

On slicing the lungs in these cases, hepatization is observed, presenting a very peculiar appearance, which is, in a great measure, due to the arrangement of the lung-tissue in cattle.

"Examination after death discloses slight traces of inflammation in the intestines, discoloration of the liver, and a hard, dry substance contained in the manyplus. The lungs adhere to the sides and to the diaphragm by numerous bands, evidently old and very firm. The substance of the lungs often presents a reddish-gray hepatization throughout almost its whole extent.