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The reader will find a large material collected in various writings on mythology, for the psychological interpretation of which reference may be made to Jung’sWandlungen und Symbole der Libidoand Rank’sMythos von der Geburt des Helden.” From them it appears how old are the symbols for rebirth, and how they deal chiefly with water and earth, and the idea of being surrounded by and enclosed in a small space.

Behind is seen the angel Gabriel with his finger on his lip, as commanding silence, and two other angels. The figures are life-size, the execution and colour very fine; the whole conception in the grand but mannered style of the Guido school. Ital. Il Presepio. Il Nascimento del Nostro Signore. Fr. La Nativité. Ger. Die Geburt Christi. Dec. 25.

I think that, putting aside purely technical works on music, stage-management, etc., the number of really good books could be counted on the fingers. The rest is feeble rhapsody on the one hand, malicious misrepresentation on the other. Of works of first-rate importance, works that really add anything solid to our knowledge, I only know one: Nietzsche's Geburt der Tragoedie.

Thus a male foetus showing reptilian characters in sexual ducts was exhibited by Shattock at the Pathological Society of London, February 19, 1895. J. Kohlbrugge, "Die Umgestaltung des Uterus der Affen nach den Geburt," Zeitschrift für Morphologie, bd. iv, p. 1, 1901. The nerve endings in the genital region are the same as elsewhere.