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Updated: August 22, 2024

The international susceptibilities of Sheriff DRURIOLANUS henceforth to bear the Anglo-French title, Monsieur le Shérif 'Arris de Paris, or 'Arry de Parry, appear to have been considerably hurt by a statement in the Débats to the effect that the appearance in the London streets of men dressed as Gendarmes "en gendarmes français," writes MOSSOO DRURIOLANE intended as perambulating advertisements for the Waterloo Panorama, was due to a supreme effort of his managerial genius. So Shérif DRURIOLANE wrote at once to the London Correspondent of the Figaro, who bears the singularly French name of JOHNSON, denying, in his very best French, that he, M. le Shérif, had had anything to do with these walking advertisements, or, indeed, with the Panorama Company at all, from which he had retired a year ago. Then he adds, like the preux chevalier he is known to be, that had he still been on the direction of the aforesaid Compagnie, he, at all events, would never, never have committed the enormity of even suggesting, however vaguely, an idea so calculated to needlessly insult "les susceptibilités françaises." ("Hear! hear!" and "Très bien!" from the left.) Then M. le Shérif DRURIOLANE, rising to the occasion, finishes with this magnificent flourish on the French horn "Je suit en France" (Isn't it very much "to his credit," we ask with W.S.G., that, "In spite of all temptations, To belong to other nations, He remains an Englishman?" Why, certainly) "j'ai vécu parmi les Français, et je suis

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