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In the citadel of Verdun it seemed as if it must have been evolved by rubbing Aladdin's lamp, and I said so as I read it over: Huîtres d'Ostende Bisque d'Écrevisses Sanglier rôti Purée de Pommes de Terre Soufflée de Chocolat Fruits Bonbons "Oh, we've never been hungry at Verdun, even when things were at their liveliest," said the officer sitting next to me.

When they are between three and four years old he consigns them to a correspondent at Ballyvaughan, who puts them in, I believe, deep-sea oyster beds for a while and converts them into the famous Burren oysters, which, like the Marenne oysters, are generally preferred by Englishmen to "Natives," while the "spat" of the latter is eagerly sought by the French for development into Huitres d'Ostende.

What with the 'Grand Prix d'Ostende, the 'Prix des Roses, the 'Prix des Ombrelles, handicap libre, réservé aux Dames, the 'Grand Prix des Dames, and a number of other objets d'art, which are offered for competition on almost every day from the beginning of June to the end of September, this is a perfect paradise for the pot-hunter and his familiar friend Colonel Bogey.

I waited in silence, knowing that if he wished to tell me any private history, he would begin of his own accord. "You are listening, Carl?" I nodded. It was growing dusk. "You remember I pointed out to you the other day the little house in the Rue d'Ostende where my parents lived?" "Perfectly."

Fried sole and potatoes!! If I had written a volume, whose merit was in elegance, I would not show it to such a man! but he might be an admirable critic upon 'Cobbett's Register, or 'Every Man his own Brewer." "Excessively true," said I; "what shall we order?" "D'abord des huitres d'Ostende," said Vincent; "as to the rest," taking hold of the carte, "deliberare utilia mora utilissima est."

Fried sole and potatoes!! If I had written a volume, whose merit was in elegance, I would not show it to such a man! but he might be an admirable critic upon 'Cobbett's Register, or 'Every Man his own Brewer." "Excessively true," said I; "what shall we order?" "D'abord des huitres d'Ostende," said Vincent; "as to the rest," taking hold of the carte, "deliberare utilia mora utilissima est."