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Some of the letters begin with 'Dearest, duckiest, handsomest Herby' short for Herbert; and others, 'Fondest, blondest, darlingest Micky-moo! Some end with 'A thousand and one kisses from your loving and ever devoted Francesca, and others with 'Love and kisses ad infinitum, ever your loving, thirsting, adoring one, Toosie! Nice letters from the wife of a respectable Nob Hill magnate to a married clergyman!"

She is a blonde of the blondest type: her hair is like spun gold, and, wonderful to relate, no Yellow Wash: no Golden Fluid, has ever touched its shining abundance. Her eyes are bluer than the September sky over the Russell Square chimney-pots; her nose is neither aquiline nor Grecian, but it is very nice; her forehead is low, her mouth and chin "morsels for the gods."

As she sits fanning herself, she sees Charley approaching with a young man of about his own age, taller than he is fairer, with a look altogether somehow of a different nationality. He has large blue eyes, very fair hair, and the blondest of complexions. Instinctively she knows who it is. "Ah, Edith," Charley says, "here you are. I have been searching for you.

I ought to love, and I ought to be loved, and I wish to prove it by my name, if I can find fitting arguments. It is not without meaning that the first part of my name is the colour of gold; for the most beautiful are the blondest. Therefore I hold my name the fairer because it begins with the colour with which accords the finest gold.

"Feast, O Kaikobád, on the blondest of toast!" I said as I salaamed and handed him the plate. He wrinkled up his forehead a little, at the sting in that speech, but he could not keep from grinning. Then, too, Dinky-Dunk always soaps the back of his hand, to wash his back, and reach high up.

When the curtains were drawn there was a feeling of cramped confinement which was most depressing to the spirits; yet, as her eye took in one detail after the other, Rhoda realised that there were redeeming points in the situation. Small as it was, the cubicle was decidedly pretty, and blue enough to satisfy the blondest of mistresses.