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There was also a German teacher of music, who sometimes helped in French of the ahfaung and bauntaung style, so that, between the two, the young ladies could hardly have been mistaken for Parisians, by a Committee of the French Academy. The German teacher also taught a Latin class after his fashion, benna, a ben, gahboot, ahead, and so forth.

Since leaving the British Empire we had been in the Fadhli country till we reached the Wadi Banna, or Benna, the boundary between the Beled Fadhli and Beled Yafei, then winding indeed was our way, for we were in thick wood; swords and daggers had to be used to cut a path, and we were brought to a standstill more than once, with our heads bent under trees, not daring to lift them.

There was also a German teacher of music, who sometimes helped in French of the ahfaung and bauntaung style, so that, between the two, the young ladies could hardly have been mistaken for Parisians, by a Committee of the French Academy. The German teacher also taught a Latin class after his fashion, benna, a ben, gahboot, ahead, and so forth.

Gold-dust is the only coin of the realm; and travellers who would pass north of the Protectorate must buy it on the coast. Its weight, the 16th of an ounce, never varies; but the value ranges from 4s. 6d. to 5s., according as the ounce is worth 3l. 12s. to 4l. 10s., the average being assumed at 4l. The benna = 2 akis.

And when you have looked at the beautiful amphitheatre of forest at your feet, and looked too at the great mountains to the westward, and Benaun, and Benna-buird and Benna- muicdhui, with their bright patches of eternal snow, I should advise you to look at the rock on which you stand, and see what you see there.