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Jim on my right also did not know, but suggested that I "awsk" the Sergeant. Coming towards us was an old grizzled Sergeant, properly fed up with the war, so I "awsked" him. "Think it's going to rain, Sergeant?" He looked at me in contempt, and grunted, "'Ow's it a'goin' ter rain with the bloomin' sun a 'shinin'?" I looked guilty.

A creature hopelessly commonplace, resigned, and unemotional, to her enquiry for Monsieur Lanyard he returned the discounted response: Mister Lanyard was hout, 'e might not be 'ome till quite lite, but 'ad left word that if a lidy called she was to be awsked to wite.

"On the contrary, Hi've watched this Peanut dog most closely, sir. Yet at times 'e is habsent. Hi'm of the belief that the notes come from the hother side of the fence, sir. But has to their haddress, and has to their contents, sir, Hi assure you Hi'm hutterly hignorant; and hit was for that reason that Hi awsked you to come and see this one. Hit's just at 'and, sir."

His face went from red to white, and he looked as if he would like to break a vase or tear something to pieces. "'Eavens, awnt, don't make a scene. I wouldn't a' awsked 'im, h'if I 'adn't needed more money. I'll pay him to-morrow." Mrs. Gray and David were too surprised to speak. It was plain that, when Tom Gray was angry, he dropped his h's.