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So Bellarmine allegeth, loqui ibi Apostolum de judaeorum tantum festis. Hospinian, answering him, will have the Apostle’s words to condemn the Christian feasts more than the Judaical. Conradus Vorstius rejecteth this position, Apostolus non nisi judaicum discremen dierum in N.T. sublatum esse docet, as a popish error. 2.

These being finished, the people chanted the first verse of the Gloria Patri, after which the clergy alternated with the people the Kyrie, pretty much as the custom is now. Here a fresh roll was brought to the Lector, then or afterwards called Apostolus, from which he read one of the canonical epistles.

Augustinus: Quaest. ex vet. Test., 21: an mulier imago Dei sit ... unde et Apostolus, Vir quidem, inquit, non debet velare caput, cum sit imago et gloria Dei; mulier autem, inquit, velet caput. Quare? Quia non est imago Dei. Unde denuo dicit Apostolus: Mulieri autem docere non permittitur, neque dominari in virum. Migne, vol. 35, p. 2228.

I know not what the binding of the conscience is, if this be not it: Apostolus gemendi partes relinquit, non cogendi auctoritatem tribuit ministris quibus plebs non auscultat. And shall they who call themselves the apostles’ successors, compel, constrain and enthral, the consciences of the people of God?