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The case was also complicated with interstitial and subserous fibroids and a contracted pelvis, combined with a posterior position of the occiput and nonrotation of the head. Lente mentions a case of labor without liquor amnii; and Townsend records delivery without any sanguineous discharge. Cosentino mentions a case of the absence of liquor amnii associated with a fetal monstrosity.

The placenta weighed 4 pounds, and there was an ordinary pailful of liquor amnii. Both the twins were muscular and well formed; the parents were of ordinary stature, and at last reports the mother was rapidly convalescing. Burgess mentions an 18-pound new-born child; end Meadows has seen a similar instance.

The innermost envelope, the amnion, encloses the foetus. Covering the external face of the amnion and lining the inner face of the chorion is a double membrane, the allantois. The envelopes mentioned are not the only protection that the foetus has against injury. It is enveloped in fluids as well. Immediately surrounding it is the liquor amnii, and within allantois is the allantoic fluid.

From all this reasoning I would conclude, that though the imagination of the female may be supposed to affect the embryon by producing a difference in its early nutriment; yet that no such power can affect it after it has obtained a placenta, and other organs; which may select or change the food, which is presented to it either in the liquor amnii, or in the milk.

The meconium, or first fæces, in the bowels of new-born infants evince, that something has been digested; and what could this be but the liquor amnii together with the recrements of the gastric juice and gall, which were necessary for its digestion?

Phys. I. 8. p. 201. A column of ice has been seen to reach down the oesophagus from the mouth to the stomach in a frozen fetus; and this ice was the liquor amnii frozen.

The liquor amnii prepared for the fetus in the uterus, and in which it swims; and lastly, the milk prepared in the pectoral glands for the new born-child. There is reason to conclude that variety of changes may be produced in the new animal from all these sources of nutriment, but particularly from the first of them..

There are two of such monstrous productions however better attested; one of a human fetus, mentioned by Gipson in the Scots Medical Essays; which having the gula impervious was furnished with an aperture into the wind-pipe, which communicated below into the gullet; by means of which the liquor amnii might be taken into the stomach before nativity without danger of suffocation, while the fetus had no occasion to breathe.

By this first nutriment thus prepared for the embryon is not meant the liquor amnii, which is produced afterwards, nor the larger exterior parts of the white of the egg; but the fluid prepared, I suppose, in the ovary of viviparous animals, and that which immediately surrounds the cicatricula of an impregnated egg, and is visible to the eye in a boiled one.

Gentlemen, I beg you not to turn away; hear me for a moment. Then, if the current of the blood be obstructed, I make large draughts of urine, or sweat or saliva, or of the liquor amnii; and I find it matters little which of these evacuants I resort to.