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91 14 vengeance: Tartarin's vengeance is a delightful bit of humor. 91 16 monta encore: 'ascended still higher. 91 21 Mostaganem: a city on the Mediterranean, west of Algiers. 91 25 curé: it is amusing to hear Tartarin apply the title of the respected French parish priest to the rascally muezzin. At home Tartarin would address the priest as monsieur le curé.

There also was of course in Adeline That calm patrician polish in the address, Which ne'er can pass the equinoctial line Of any thing which Nature would express: Just as a Mandarin finds nothing fine, At least his manner suffers not to guess That any thing he views can greatly please. Don Juan. C. XIII. stanza 84.

Cheer'd with the news, his Captains all as one, In humble manner do address the throne, And press the King to give them his commission To join the English in this Expedition. To their request the cheerful King assents.

You are kindly requested to address to the nearest Newspaper office these news desired with the utmost impatience by the families of the travellers in the balloon LE G

At the age of twenty-three he was taken into the confidence of Henry II. and gained universal favor by his agreeable and flattering address. In early life he was appointed Archbishop of Rheims and not long after was made cardinal. At first he was inclined to favor the Protestants, but subsequently used his influence toward their extermination.