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In the new Declaration of Human Rights which the French Convention, that powerful constitutional assembly, published, it is even set forth in a special article Article 19 which reads "Toute institution, qui ne suppose le peuple bon et le magistrat corruptible, est vicieuse."

During the operation he did not fail to utter comminations which, though broken, had a sense in them; while stigmatizing me as the treacherous spawn of a perfidious country, he, in the same breath, anathematized Zoraide Reuter; he termed her "femme sotte et vicieuse," who, in a fit of lewd caprice, had thrown herself away on an unprincipled adventurer; directing the point of the last appellation by a furious blow, obliquely aimed at me.

Nevertheless, there are critics who complain that his compositions still tend to lack organization and his forms definition. "Sa peinture a une petite côté vicieuse qui est adorable" I have heard the phrase so often that I can but repeat it.

"On ne peut pas admettre dans le developpement des langues aucune revolution artificielle et sciemment executee; il n'y a pour elles ni conciles, ni assemblees deliberantes; on ne les reforme pas comme une constitution vicieuse." Renan, De l'Origine du Langage, p 95. This is an old complaint. Puttenham sighs over such innovation in Elizabeth's time, and Carew in James's.