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Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "Lost below the prewentive sarvice station by a gentleman of great respectability a pair of blue knit pantaloons, containing eighteen penny-worth of copper a steel pencil-case a werry anonymous letter, and two keys. Whoever will bring the same to the cryer shall receive a reward. God save the King!" Then, as the hour of nine approached, what a concourse appeared!

Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "Lost, last night, between the jetty and the York Hotel, a little boy, as answers to the name of Spot, whoever has found the same, and will bring him to the cryer, shall receive a reward of half-a-crown." Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "Lost, stolen, or strayed, or otherwise conveyed, a brown-and-white King Charles's setter as answers to the name of Jacob Jones.

Meanwhile the lords of the creation strutted about, some in dressing-gowns, others, "full puff," with bags and boxes under their arms while sturdy porters were wheeling barrows full of luggage to the jetty. The bell-man went round dressed in a blue and red cloak, with a gold hatband. Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong, went the bell, and the gaping cockneys congregated around.

Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "Lost at the back of James Street a lady's black silk black lace wale whoever has found the same, and will bring it to the cryer, shall receive one shilling reward."

He commenced "To be sould in the market-place a quantity of fresh ling." Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "The Royal Adelaide, fast and splendid steam-packet, Capt. Whittingham, will leave the pier this morning at nine o'clock precisely, and land the passengers at London Bridge Steam-packet Wharf fore cabin fares and children four shillings saloon five shillings."

Ring-a-ding, ring-a-ding, dong: "The superb and splendid steam-packet, the Magnet, will leave the pier this morning at nine o'clock precisely, and land the passengers at the St. Catherine Docks fore-cabin fares and children four shillings saloon five shillings."

'Twas lost on Sunday eve, Or taken without leave, A virgin's heart so pure, She can't the loss endure, And surely will expire; Pity her misery. Rewarded you shall be With kisses one, two, three. Cupid is the crier, Ring-a-ding, a-ding, Cupid is the crier.

The maiden sought around, It was not to be found, She search'd each nook and dell, The haunts she loved so well, All anxious with desire; The wind blew ope his vest, When, lo! the toy in quest, She found within the breast Of Cupid, the false crier, Ring-a-ding, a-ding-a-ding, Cupid the false crier.

Cupid is the crier, Ring-a-ding, a-ding, Cupid is the crier. O yes! O yes! O yes! Here is a pretty mess! A maiden's heart is gone, And she is left forlorn, And panting with desire; Whoever shall bring it me, They shall rewarded be, With kisses one, two, three. Cupid is the crier, Ring-a-ding, a-ding, Cupid is the crier.