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"Though Death our ancestors has cleekit, An' under clods then closely steekit, We'll mark the place their chimneys reekit, Their native tongue we yet wad speak it, Wi' accent glib." He wrote sometimes to amuse his neighbors, often to soothe their sorrow under domestic calamity, or to give expression to his own.

"Save us!" exclaimed Meg Kissock, "the craitur's prayin' to the Ill Body himsel'." Ebbie Farrish began to clear away the peat, which was, indeed, no difficult task. I wad rayther hae yersel', Maister o' Sawtan, for ye are a big mensefu' deil. Ouch! I'm dune for noo, althegither; he haes gotten puir Jock! Sirce me, I smell the reekit rags o' him!"

"Though Death our ancestors has cleekit, An' under clods then closely steekit, We'll mark the place their chimneys reekit, Their native tongue we yet wad speak it, Wi' accent glib." He wrote sometimes to amuse his neighbors, often to soothe their sorrow under domestic calamity, or to give expression to his own.

But I aye like waur to meet Sandy by himsel' upo' that reekit deevil o' his. Man, it's awfu' whan Black Geordie turns the white o' 's ee, an' the white o' 's teeth upo' ye. It's a' the white 'at there is about 'im. 'Wasna yer brither i' the airmy, Shargar? 'Ow, 'deed ay. They tell me he was at Watterloo. He's a cornel, or something like that. 'Wha tellt ye a' that?

"They reeled, they set, they cross'd, they cleekit, Till ilka carlin swat and reekit, And coost her duddies to the wark, And linket at it in her sark." or this

Unfortunately the father chose to add an exordium for the benefit of the astonished boatsman still lying on his oars. "Let this be a lesson to ye, ma frien', when ye're ower sure! Ye'll ne'er say a herrin' is dry until it be reestit an' reekit."