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"That was the condition when they are all graduate' from school and go each into his o'cupation, or hers, up to the eyebrow'. Mélanie and Mlle. Aline they work' with Mme. Alexandre, though not precizely together, biccause Mélanie she show' only an ability to keep those account' and to assist keeping shop, whiles Mlle.

"Precizely! Every publisher approach' mus' know he's bidding agains' every other! Maybe they are honess men, and if so they'll be rij-oice'!" A non-listener was trying to squeeze in: "And sec' and sec' and secon' thing if not firs' is guarantee! They mus' pay so much profit in advance. Else it be better to publish without a publisher, and with advertisement' front and back!

Th' ain't anything much mo' tantalizin' to a person than uncertainty in sech matters. She was mighty plain, an' yet some o' the boys seemed to see beauty in her. I know my brother Bob, he confided to mother once-t thet he thought she looked thess precizely like the Queen o' Sheba must'a' looked, an' I ricollec' thet he cried bitter because mother told it out on him at the dinner-table.

Chezter, M. De l'Isle he's also precizely in the mi'l' of a moze overwhelming story of his own " "Hiztorical!" the aunts broke in. "Well-known! abbout old house! in the vieux carré!" "Like that circ'" the aunts fell into tears of laughter.

Chester "had heard one or two of its episodes only the evening before, at that up-town dinner, from a fine old down-town Creole, a fellow guest, with whom he was to dine the next week." "Aha-a-a! precizely ac-rozz the street from Mme. Alexandre!" said the hostess. "M'sieu' et Madame De l'Isle! Now I detec' that!" "Have they no son? or or daughter?" he asked. "Not any," Mme.