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The latter stamped forward, banging his heavy cane on the ground and muttering to himself: "Yaw, I preaks mine cane his head ofer he talks to me he calls me a rascal und eferydings vot I vas. I shows him " Just then, when he was close to the cabin, a figure emerged from the darkness, moving as silently as if it was a section of the gloom itself, and advancing straight toward him.

"You mean you'll have to shut up shop?" inquired Rushford. "Eet preaks my heart to say eet, monsieur; but I fear eet will come to t'at, unless " "Unless what?" asked Rushford, eyeing him as he hesitated. "Unless I shall pe able to interes' monsieur " Rushford grunted and stared out of the window at the dunes, puffing his cigar meditatively.

He's all right ven he's soper. Only it preaks my heart ven he vips me, und I don't deserve it." "Breaks your heart? It ain't your heart I'm worryin' about. If he don't break your bones you're in luck!" "Und I try to pe a goot vife to him. I tend him hand und foot." "Ye-es, I know you do," returned Martha dryly. "But suppose you just try the foot in the future. See how it works."

It most preaks his muder's heart to have him go dis long voyages," said Hanz, taking the pipe from his lips, as his eyes filled with tears. "If I only could have a fortune und de little farm for mine poor Tite when he gits home." "Give us your hand, sir," said Mr. Topman. "You talk now like a man, and a father. I'm a father, sir, and know how to feel for you. Had a son at sea four years.