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The neo-Malthusian movement in Great Britain with its history of undaunted bravery, came to our support; and I had the comfort of knowing that the finest minds of England did not hesitate a moment in the expression of their sympathy and support.

There are now societies and periodicals in all civilized countries for the propagation of Neo-Malthusian principles, as they are still commonly called, though it would be desirable to avoid the use of Malthus's name in this connection.

Many Socialists to-day remain ignorant of the inherent conflict between the idea of Birth Control and the philosophy of Marx. The earlier Marxians, including Karl Marx himself, expressed the bitterest antagonism to Malthusian and neo-Malthusian theories.

It is good to know that the first of the birth-control clinics of Holland followed shortly after a thorough and enthusiastic discussion of the subject at an international medical congress in Amsterdam in 1878. The Dutch Neo-Malthusian League was founded in 1881. The first birth-control clinic in the world was opened in 1885 by Dr. Aletta Jacobs in Amsterdam.

Procreative Control the Outcome of Natural and Civilized Progress The Growth of Neo-Malthusian Beliefs and Practices Facultative Sterility as Distinct from Neo-Malthusianism The Medical and Hygienic Necessity of Control of Conception Preventive Methods Abortion The New Doctrine of the Duty to Practice Abortion How Far is this Justifiable?

They are ordinary offices with the necessary equipment, or rooms in the homes of the nurses, fitted out for the work. They are places for consultation and examination, opened by specially trained nurses who have been instructed by Dr. J. Rutgers, of The Hague, secretary of the Neo-Malthusian League, who has devoted his life to this work.

It was by no means in every respect a scientific or sound work, but it certainly had great influence, and it came into the hands of many who never saw any other work on sexual topics. Although the Neo-Malthusian propagandists of those days often met with much obloquy, their cause was triumphantly vindicated in 1876, when Charles Bradlaugh and Mrs.

James Mill was the pioneer in advocating Neo-Malthusian methods, though he spoke cautiously.

Procreative Control the Outcome of Natural and Civilized Progress The Growth of Neo-Malthusian Beliefs and Practices Facultative Sterility as Distinct from Neo-Malthusianism The Medical and Hygienic Necessity of Control of Conception Preventive Methods Abortion The New Doctrine of the Duty to Practice Abortion How Far is this Justifiable?

If the premises of Materialism be true, there is no answer to the Neo-Malthusian conclusions; for even those Socialists who have bitterly opposed the promulgation of Neo-Malthusianism regarding it as a "red herring intended to draw the attention of the proletariat away from the real cause of poverty, the monopoly of land and capital by a class" admit that when society is built on the foundation of common property in all that is necessary for the production of wealth, the time will come for the consideration of the population question.