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South of the driftless area the Mississippi valley was invaded at different times by ice sheets from the west, the Kansan and the Iowan, and again by the Illinoian ice sheet from the east. Again and again the Mississippi River was pushed to one side or the other of its path. The ancient channel which it held along the Illinoian ice front has been traced through southeastern Iowa for many miles.

"The people around here seem a-plenty stuck on you, Merry," observed Badger, who was in the carriage with him. "Oh, I have lots of friends in Bloomfield," answered Frank. "I had enemies enough at the start, but my worst enemies the most of them have turned into friends." "Same old story," said the Kansan. "It was that way at college.

In New Jersey and Pennsylvania the edge of a deeply weathered and eroded drift sheet, the Jerseyan, extends beyond the limits of a much younger overlying drift. It may be the equivalent of a deep- buried basal drift sheet found in the Mississippi valley beneath the Kansan and parted from it by peat, old soil, and gravel beds.

"I'm going to make it a sort of pilgrimage a-foot." "Great! 'Vagabond Poet' Pilgrims to Home of Celebrated Kansan. It's only ninety miles to Osageville from here ... still rather cold of nights ... but you'll find plenty of shelter by the way ... start to-day and I can get the story in in time for this Sunday's Era...." Travers got a camera from a fraternity brother.