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JJ are water jacket passages for cooling the air during compression. Owing to the absence of inlet valves, large water jackets are provided, not only around the cylinder itself, but through the heads. As the heat of compression is greater near the end of the stroke, the advantage of a cool head is manifest. H H are the discharge valves through which the compressed air is forced.

He took in a half-caste chap, too, against my will. He helped him with that last lot of cattle that you noticed. 'But where did those horses come from? Jim said. 'I never hardly saw such a lot before. All got the JJ brand on, too, and nothing else; all about three year old. 'They were brought here as foals, says father, 'following their mothers.

Some of the best cattle and some of the finest horses and there were some real plums among the horses had a strange brand, JJ. 'Who does the JJ brand belong to? I said to father. 'They're the pick of the lot, whose ever they are. Father looked black for a bit, and then he growled out, 'Don't you ask too many questions, lad.

* We have only to say, that W m O k, Esq., of Jj sb e, sheriff of the county of D n. and those who officially attended, about four years ago, the execution of a man named M y , at the gaol of D rip k, for a most heinous murder, will, should they happen to see this description, not hesitate to declare that it falls far, far short of what they themselves witnessed upon this terrible occasion.