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Updated: August 2, 2024

"You don't look very delicate," said Fosdick. "No," said Dick, "I aint troubled much that way; but I found lickins didn't agree with me." "Did you get punished?" "Awful," said Dick. "What for?" "For indulgin' in a little harmless amoosement," said Dick.

Anyway, she wasn't fannin' herself, or sniffin' smellin' salts. I'd noticed her hail a deck steward, and the next I knew she was spoonin' away at half a grapefruit, as calm as you please. Mr. Ellins is indulgin' in a dry smoke. Only Mrs. Mumford, when she finally appears, does justice to the situation. She rolls her eyes, breathes hard, and clutches her crochet bag desperate.

Whatsomever you may happen to see don't you be led away into indulgin' in any onpleasant remarks upon it; nor don't you go for to try and talk over any of the lads into `returning to their duty, or any rot of that sort; for so sure as either of you attempts anything like that, so surely will you get your brains blowed out.

"By next spring he'll be big enough to tunnel clear under the house." Looked like he would. At five months Buddy weighed 34 pounds and to judge by his actions most of him was watchspring steel geared in high speed. He was as hard as nails all over and as quick-motioned as a cat. I'd got into the habit of turnin' him loose when I came home and indulgin' in a half hour's rough house play with him.

I ordered a glass o' whisky and a tumbler o' beer. I sat doon here for a while wi' them both before me, enjoying the sight o' them and indulgin' in the heavenly joy o' anteecipation.

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