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KNOX , master of Tunbridge school, appears to have the imitari avco of Johnson's style perpetually in his mind; and to his assiduous, though not servile, study of it, we may partly ascribe the extensive popularity of his writings . In his Essays, Moral and Literary, No. 3, we find the following passage: 'The polish of external grace may indeed be deferred till the approach of manhood.

My own weakness nothing alters the esteem I ought to have for the force and vigour of those who deserve it: "Sunt qui nihil suadent, quam quod se imitari posse confidunt." Crawling upon the slime of the earth, I do not for all that cease to observe up in the clouds the inimitable height of some heroic souls.

And the roguish looks and gestures of our lackeys were also in use amongst them: "O Jane, a tergo quern nulls ciconia pinsit, Nec manus, auriculas imitari est mobilis albas, Nec lingua, quantum sitiat canis Appula, tantum." The Argian and Roman ladies mourned in white, as ours did formerly and should do still, were I to govern in this point. But there are whole books on this subject.

It is obvious that if the ordinary average man can easily recognize, and the rival workers willingly acknowledge, the value of any performance, it will not stand very much above the capacity of either of them to achieve it for themselves. Tantum quisque laudat, quantum se posse sperat imitari a man will praise a thing only so far as he hopes to be able to imitate it himself.