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Updated: August 13, 2024

It occurs in widely distant families, but has a special interest for us in two genera, which are generally known as very polymorphous groups. One of them is the hawkweed or Hieracium, and the other is the dandelion or Taraxacum officinale.

We may instance Rubus, Rosa, and Hieracium amongst plants, several genera of insects, and several genera of Brachiopod shells. In most polymorphic genera some of the species have fixed and definite characters. Genera which are polymorphic in one country seem to be, with some few exceptions, polymorphic in other countries, and likewise, judging from Brachiopod shells, at former periods of time.

We may instance Rubus, Rosa, and Hieracium amongst plants, several genera of insects, and several genera of Brachiopod shells. In most polymorphic genera some of the species have fixed and definite characters. Genera which are polymorphic in one country seem to be, with some few exceptions, polymorphic in other countries, and likewise, judging from Brachiopod shells, at former periods of time.

Astragalus alpinus, Phleum alpinum, Hieracium alpinum and others from the northern parts of Norway may be cited as examples. Thus Primula imperialis has been found in the Himalayas, and many other plants of the high mountains of Java, Ceylon and northern India are identical forms. Some species from the Cameroons and from Abyssinia have been found on the mountains of Madagascar.

Seeing how much I owe them, one and all, the least I can do is to greet them severally. For the same reason I had rather say "hawkweed" than "hieracium"; the homelier word has more of kindly friendship. How the mood for a book sometimes rushes upon one, either one knows not why, or in consequence, perhaps, of some most trifling suggestion. Yesterday I was walking at dusk.

Between these two alternatives, many writers have tried to decide, by transplanting their specimens after some time in the garden, into arid or sandy soil, in order to see whether they would resume their alpine character. Among the systematists who tested plants in this way, Nageli especially, directed his attention to the hawkweeds or Hieracium.

Hence the Horologe or Watch of Flora is formed from numerous plants, of which the following are those most common in this country. Leontodon taraxacum, Dandelion, opens at 5 6, closes at 8 9. Hieracium pilosella, mouse-ear hawkweed, opens at 8, closes at 2. Sonchus lævis, smooth Sow-thistle, at 5 and at 11 12. Lactuca sativa, cultivated Lettice, at 7 and jo.

GENISTA tinctoria. The flowers are in use among the country-people for dyeing cloth yellow. GERANIUM sylvaticum. MOUNTAIN CRANESBILL. The Icelanders use the flowers of this plant to dye a violet colour. HIERACIUM umbellatum. HAWKWEED. The whole herb bruised and boiled in water gives out a yellow dye. HUMULUS Lupulus.

With respect to many of these forms, hardly two naturalists agree whether to rank them as species or as varieties. We may instance Rubus, Rosa, and Hieracium among plants, several genera of insects, and of Brachiopod shells. In most polymorphic genera some of the species have fixed and definite characters.

As regards the flora the elevated position of parts of the county makes it the home of a number of plants which do not commonly occur in the South of England. Within the British Isles the following are found only in Somerset: Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Hieracium stinolepis, Verbascum lychnitis, and Euphorbia pilosa.

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