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Fairbanks, "for men of high culture and special training to lose themselves in such a country as that." "But," persisted Brown, "they say that that's the very place for such men. Why, that country is full of high-class chaps University grads, Lords, Dukes, and such, as well as the professional gambler, and other highly technical experts.

From every city in the country "old grads" came down to renew their youth and shout themselves hoarse for their favorites. The clouded sky and threatening rain daunted them not at all. They were there to make holiday, and serenely ignored everything else. Only an earthquake or a cyclone could have kept them from coming.

With the arrival of Burr McIntosh and several old grads, however, we were released from their clutches, and the game proceeded. "After the Cornell game the Yale game was close at hand. We were confident of our ability to win, though we expected a bitter hard struggle, in which we were not disappointed.

At the funeral, when the provost read, 'For that it hath pleased Thee to deliver this our sister out of the miseries of this sinful world, Big Wallington, the wildest chap among the grads, led off with a gulp in his throat, and we all followed. And that gold-spectacled sneak stood there, with a lying white handkerchief at his eyes. "I laid myself out to make the college too hot for him.

I do not decry book lore; the midnight incandescent burned over the classic page is a good thing. I am merely saying that lots of good copper wire goes to waste, because too many college "grads" start their education wrong end first. They do not know for what they are working.