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Updated: August 18, 2024

Garrard's staff, and Adj't Mitchell, both deserve mention for coolness and bravery. Capt. Allen, personally distinguished himself, for which he received the rank Brevet Lt. Col. at the close of the war. Capt.

Ordering every part of the army to pursue vigorously on the morning of the 3d of July, I rode into Marietta, just quitted by the rebel rear-guard, and was terribly angry at the cautious pursuit by Garrard's cavalry, and even by the head of our infantry columns.

All the orders were given, and the morning of the 27th was fixed for commencing the movement. I wrote him an answer consenting substantially to his proposition, only modifying it by requiring him to send back General Garrard's division to its position on our left flank after he had broken up the railroad at Jonesboro. As General Jeff.

On the 1st of June General McPherson closed in upon the right, and, without attempting further to carry the enemy's strong position at New Hope Church, I held our general right in close contact with it, gradually, carefully, and steadily working by the left, until our strong infantry-lines had reached and secured possession of all the wagon-roads between New Hope, Allatoona, and Acworth, when I dispatched Generals Garrard's and Stoneman's divisions of cavalry into Allatoona, the first around by the west end of the pass, and the latter by the direct road.

General Stoneman's division of cavalry had occupied Allatoona, on the railroad, and General Garrard's division was at the western end of the pass, about Stilesboro. By gradually covering our front with parapet, and extending to the left, we approached the railroad toward Acworth and overlapped the enemy's right.

I ordered General Thomas to detach two brigades of Garrard's division of cavalry from the left to the right rear, to act as a reserve in support of General Kilpatrick. Meantime, also, the utmost activity was ordered along our whole front by the infantry and artillery. Kilpatrick got off during the night of the 18th, and returned to us on the 22d, having made the complete circuit of Atlanta.

General Stoneman's division of cavalry had occupied Allatoona, on the railroad, and General Garrard's division was at the western end of the pass, about Stilesboro. By gradually covering our front with parapet, and extending to the left, we approached the railroad toward Acworth and overlapped the enemy's right.

Rankin to make a reconoisance toward Georgetown, after moving in that direction about 16 miles, he met a part of Morgan's command, routed and drove them two miles in the direction of Cynthiana, returned and reported the same to Gen. Burbridge. That night Gen. Burbridge moved for Cynthiana, Col. Garrard's brigade being in the rear. At day-light skirmishing commenced a mile or two from that place.

I ordered General Thomas to detach two brigades of Garrard's division of cavalry from the left to the right rear, to act as a reserve in support of General Kilpatrick. Meantime, also, the utmost activity was ordered along our whole front by the infantry and artillery. Kilpatrick got off during the night of the 18th, and returned to us on the 22d, having made the complete circuit of Atlanta.

Garrard's brigade again advanced on Morristown, but finding no enemy there, moved on toward Russelsville a few miles, drove in the pickets and moved forward, and when near Russelville, found a large force of the enemy drawn in line awaiting our approach. The Second and Seventh O. V. C. were at once ordered forward to attack them, the Ninth Michigan being held in reserve.

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