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Palm, and Pic, Los Romeros, and Fero: The 25. of Aprill they saw Bona visita, the 16. they ankered vnder Isole de May: The 27. they set sayle againe and held their course South Southeast.

He was for 30 years Master of the Charter-house, and set himself against James II. in refusing to admit a Roman Catholic as a Poor Brother. No. 39. Saturday, April 14, 1711. Addison. 'Multa fero, ut placem genus irritabile vatum, Cum scribo. Hor.

He pulled a small book out of his pocket, ferreted among the leaves and then setting his eye near the page pointed out his beloved line: 'Pauper sum, pateor, fateor, quod Di dant fero. Which had been translated: 'I am poor, I confess; I bear it, and what the gods vouchsafe that I take' and on the broad margin of the book had written: 'Cicero sayeth: That one cannot sufficiently praise them that be patient having little: And Seneca: The first measure of riches is to have things necessary and, as ensueth therefrom, to be therewith content!

The poets have feigned some gods who favour the deliverance of such as suffer under a languishing death: "Hunc ego Diti Sacrum jussa fero, teque isto corpore solvo."

Gladstone sitting in what was then called the library, on an estrade on which the head master habitually sate, above which was placed, about 1840, the bust of the Duke of Newcastle and the names of the Newcastle scholars.... When he gave me a Virgil and asked me to translate Georg. ii, 475, seq., I was pleasantly surprised by the beautiful eye turning on me with the question, 'What is the meaning of sacra fero? and his look of approval when I said, 'Carry the sacred vessels in the procession."