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We have learned also what are the main causes of this almost incredible difference, namely: a remarkably rugged surface with porous and probably cavernous rock-texture, leading to extremely rapid radiation of heat in the one; as compared with a comparatively even and well-compacted surface largely clad with vegetation, leading to comparatively slow and gradual loss by radiation in the other: and , these results being greatly intensified by the total absence of a protecting atmosphere in the former, while a dense and cloudy atmosphere with an ever-present supply of water-vapour, accumulates and equalises the heat received by the latter.

This still remains a vexed question; but the consumption of the meat is undoubtedly on the increase, and will continue to be, till the population of Australasia equalises supply and demand. Besides the authorities for this branch of the inquiry already cited, there are a few others, which it may assist the student to set down herewith: The book of Nurture. By Hugh Rhodes, of the King's Chapel.

Liberty finds its level in the social world, like the waves in the common bed of the ocean. One nation is not free with impunity one people is not in bondage with impunity all finally compares and equalises itself. England had been intellectually the model of nations, and the envy of the reflecting universe. Nature and its institutions had conferred upon it men worthy of its laws.