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Updated: August 9, 2024

The Pope, one would think, should have remembered that good deed of the good Lombard's whereof his epitaph sings, 'Deinceps tremuere feroces Usque Saraceni, quos dispulit impiger, ipsos Cum premerent Gallos, Karolo poscente juvari.

Et deinceps, versus septentrionem per directam lineam introitum sive ostium magnae illius stationis navium trajicien, quae excurrit in terrae orientalem plagam inter regiones Suriquorum et Etcheminorum vulgo Suriquois et Etchemines ad fluvium vulgo nomine Sanctae Crucis appellat. Et ad scaturiginem remotissimam sive fontem ex occidentali parte ejusdem qui se primum predicto fluvio immiscet.

Thus we conclude, that when Christ commanded the apostles to divide the cup among them, the meaning of the words can be no other than this, that they should give the cup one to another; which is so plain that a Jesuit also maketh it to follow upon this command, that Christ did reach the cup non singulis sed uni, qui proximo, proximus sequenti, et deinceps daret.

That four shillings, however, was not considered as the highest price to which barley might frequently rise in those times, and that these prices were only given as an example of the proportion which ought to be observed in all other prices, whether higher or lower, we may infer from the last words of the statute: "Et sic deinceps crescetur vel diminuetur per sex denarios."

Marys Bay, et deinceps versus septentrionem per directam lineam introitum sive ostium magnae illius stationis navium trajicientem," etc., "ad fluvium vulgo nomine Sanctae Crucis appellatum."

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