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Leonardo da Vinci might have known the art of flying in the air, and might even have practiced it. A statement to this effect, at least, is found in several historians. We have, however, no direct proof of the fact. The Abbe Deforges, of Etampes, announced in the journals in 1772 that he would perform the great feat. On the appointed day multitudes of the curious flocked to Etampes.

Adrian Beverland Cecco d'Ascoli George Buchanan Nicodemus Frischlin Clement Marot Caspar Weiser John Williams Deforges Theophile Helot Matteo Palmieri La Grange Pierre Petit Voltaire Montgomery Keats Joseph Ritson.

I am glad that I saw him: he may be somebody some day." It was in April of the previous year that Roger went to a concert, where he records how he heard a comic opera called The Alcove, by Offenbach and Déforges: "A little inexperience, but some charming things.

The good Abbe finally procured liberty for his captive, who became secretary to M. de Broglie's brother, and subsequently, on the death of Madame de Pompadour, commissioner of war. Terrible were the sufferings which the unhappy Deforges endured on account of his luckless poem. He was ultimately captured in Picardy, and put in a dungeon. He was banished from the kingdom by order of the Parliament.

The monarch was always fearful of assassination, and as one of the poems foretold his speedy decease, the prophet incurred the King's wrath and suffered death for his pains. A single poem was fatal to Deforges, entitled Vers sur l'arrestation du Pretendant d'Angleterre, en 1749. It commences with the following lines: