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'Twas a' for fun, ye ken," said Alec, addressing Thomas. "There's a heap o' fun," answered Thomas with solemnity, "that carries deith i' the tail o' 't. Here's the puir cripple laddie's rabbit as deid's a herrin', and him at hame greetin' his een oot, I daursay." Alec caught up his cap and made for the door. "I'll gang and see him. Curly, wha has ony rabbits to sell?"

'Weel, they must be, was the laconic reply. 'We've no stores where they could get brandy-smash in the bush, and it's so much the better for them, or I daursay they wad want prisons and juries next. As it is, they're weel behaved lads eneugh. 'I'm sure it must be good in a moral point of view; but do you find them equal to as much work as if they had beer or spirits? asked Captain Argent.

"I daursay you're richt," says Bandy, clawin' his heid. "Weel, the Provost shud juist keep a magic lantern handy, an' gar him bide in't. That wud keep him quiet at the meetin's." "We'll lat ye see a picture o' the whole Toon Cooncil, noo," said Sandy; an' in cam' the picture. "There's been some mair mixin' again," said Sandy, gey kankered like. "That's shurely no' the Toon Cooncil.

Sit ye doon, sir; ye'll no see Gibbie the day again." "Is there no means of getting at him, my good woman?" said Mr. Sclater, miserable at the prospect of a day utterly wasted. "I cud gie ye sicht o' 'im, I daursay, but what better wad ye be for that? Gien ye hed a' the lawyers o' Embrough at yer back, ye wadna touch Gibbie upo' Glashgar." "But you could persuade him, I am sure, Mistress Grant.

"But I'm saying, Dand" she came nearer him "I'm for the muirs. I must have a braith of air. If Clem was to be speiring for me, try and quaiet him, will ye no?" "What way?" said Dandie. "I ken but the ae way, and that's leein'." I'll say ye had a sair heid, if ye like." "But I havena," she objected. "I daursay no," he returned.

Onygait, she disna fleg me. 'I left some guid eneuch claes there whan I gaed awa, and I daursay they're i' my room yet gien only I kenned hoo to win at them! 'I s' gang and get them til ye the verra day ye're fit to rise. But ye maunna speyk a word mair the nicht. They held a long consultation that night as to what they must do.

He's nane o' yer saft buirds, that ye can sleek wi' a sweyp o' yer airm; he's a blue whunstane that's hard to dress, but, anes dressed, it bides the weather bonnie. I like to work upo' hard stane mysel. Nane o' yer saft freestane, 'at ye cud cut wi' a k-nife, for me!" "Weel, I daursay ye're richt, Thamas."

'I dinna ken, answered Robert; 'but ye suld mak a pint o' seein' for yersel'. 'Gin I thoucht there wad be fiddles there, faith I wad hae a try. It wadna be muckle o' a Jeroozlem to me wantin' my fiddle. But gin there be fiddles, I daursay they'll be gran' anes. I daursay they wad gi' me a new ane I mean ane as auld as Noah's 'at he played i' the ark whan the de'il cam' in by to hearken.

"Ye hae thoucht mair aboot it nor me, laddie! But what ye say wadna haud wi' the Parsees, 'at lay oot their deid to be devoored by the birds o' the air." "They swipe up their banes at the last. An', though the livin' expose the deid, the deid mayna like it." "I daursay. Ony gait it maun be a fine thing to lea' as little dirt as possible ahin' ye, an' tak nane wi' ye.

"Because, ye see," pursued John, "I was ae day here i' the gairden an' I was jist graftin' a bonny wull rose buss wi' a Hector o' France an' it grew to be the bonniest rose buss in a' the haul gairden whan the markis, no the auld markis, but my leddy's father, cam' up the walk there, an' a bonny young leddy wi' his lordship, as it micht be yersel's twa an' I beg yer pardon, my leddy, but I'm an auld man noo, an' whiles forgets the differs 'atween fowk an' this yoong leddy 'at they ca'd Miss Cam'ell ye kenned her yersel' efterhin', I daursay, Ma'colm he was unco ta'en with her, the markis, as ilka body cud see ohn luikit that near, sae 'at some saich 'at hoo he hed no richt to gang on wi' her that gait, garrin' her believe, gien he wasna gaein' to merry her.