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I wad jist lat them fecht things oot 'at thoucht they saw hoo they oucht to gang; an' I wad gie them guid mutton to haud them up to their dreary wark, an' maybe a sangy noo an' than 'at wad help them to drap it a'thegither." "But wouldn't you like to have a wife, Donal, and children, like your father and mother?" spelt Gibbie. "Na, na; nae wife for me, Gibbie!" answered the philosopher.

But don't you think, as we shall, I trust, sit down together to his heavenly supper it would be a good preparation to sit down together, once at least, to his earthly supper first?" "I didna ken 'at ye wad hae ony but yer ain fowk! I hae aften thoucht mysel', it was jist the ae thing ony Christian sud be ready to du wi' ony ither.

But Donal meant to hold a little communication with her which none of them, except indeed Gibbie he did not mind Gibbie should understand. "I hed sic a queer dream the ither nicht, mem," he said, "an' I'll jist tell ye't. I thoucht I was doon in an awfu' kin' o' a weet bog, wi' dry graivelly-like hills a' aboot it, an' naething upo' them but a wheen short hunger-like gerse.

He thought Donal was boring his guests, and at the same time preventing Gibbie from having the pleasure in their society for the sake of which they had been invited. Donal rose, replying, "Think ye sae, sir? I thoucht I was in auld Scotlan' still here as weel's upo' Glashgar. But may be my jography buik's some auld-fashioned. Didna ye un'erstan' me, mem?" he added, turning to Ginevra.

Suppose the thing 'at seemed richt to yer lordship, seemed wrang to me, what wad ye hae me du than?" "Do as I told you, and lay the blame on me." "Na, my lord, that winna haud: I bude to du what I thoucht richt, an' lay the blame upo' naebody, whatever cam o' 't." "You young hypocrite! Why did n't you tell me you meant to set up for a saint before I took you into my service?"

She was greitin' about a bairnie she had lost, an' I kent weel whaur the bairnie was doon in a cave upo' the shore, I thoucht an' was jist yirnin' to gang till her an' tell her, an' stop the greitin' o' her hert, but I cudna muv han' nor fit, naither cud I open my mou' to cry till her. An' I gaed dreamin' on at the same thing ower an' ower, a' the time I was asleep.

"But whaur are ye for sae ear, Miss Elsie?" "I'm for the Muir o' Warlock, to see my sister, the schuilmaister's wife. Puir man! he's been ailin' ever sin' the spring. I little thoucht I was to hae sic guid company upo' the ro'd! Ye hae made an unco differ upo' my father, Mr. Warlock. I never saw man sae altert. In ae single ook!"

Then first the extent of his wealth seemed to strike his old mother. "Eh! ye'll be the laird, wull ye, than? Eh, sirs! To think o' this hoose an' a' bein' wee Gibbie's! Weel, it dings a'. The w'ys o' the Lord are to be thoucht upon! He made Dawvid a king, an' Gibbie he's made the laird! Blest be his name."

He wasna ill-willy, as the bairns say. But the doctor had some sair wark, I thoucht, to mak that oot, seein' we war a' the children o' wrath, accordin' to him, born in sin, and inheritin' the guilt o' Adam's first trespass. I dinna think Dr. Soulis cud say that God had dune the best he cud for 's. But he never tried to say onything like that.

But his mother cut him short with the indignant remark "Hoot, what's she? Naething to you or ony o' 's! Lat her sit up for ye, gien she likes! Lat her sit, I say, and never waste thoucht upo' the queyn!" James had not a word to answer. Greatly as he shrank from the ordeal, he must encounter it without show of reluctance! He dared not even propose to sit in the kitchen and smoke.